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Notice on Strengthening Attendance Management

Requirements of School

Attendance and Disciplines

根据浙商大教〔2023〕69 号文件《浙江工商大学关于印发全日制本科学历国际学生学籍管理办法的通知》、浙商大外〔2021〕124 号文件《浙江工商大学关于印发研究生学历国际学生学籍管理办法的通知》关于学生考勤管理的条例:

According to Measures for the Administration of Full-time Undergraduate International Students' Status in Zhejiang Gongshang University and Administrative Provisions of Zhejiang Gongshang University on the Student Status of International Postgraduates


1. Students must report to ZJSU and register on the stipulated date. ZJSU will check student attendance from the first day of schooling;


2. Students must report to ZJSU and register on the stipulated date. ZJSU will check student attendance from the first day of schooling;


3. Those who are unable to participate in the educational and teaching activities for some reason must personally go through the leave formalities in advance by filing a written application with the necessary supporting documents (such as sick leave certificates and medical records) attached. Those who have not asked for leave, or have not been allowed to ask for leave, or have not continued their leave upon expiration of the approved leave, will be treated as truants;


4. Those students whose medical and personal leave time exceeds one-third of the total class hours for the whole semester shall go through the suspension formalities in accordance with the Measures.


Procedures of Leave

(一)请假 1 次课以内,由任课教师批准;

1. The one-time leave shall be subject to the approval by the relevant classroom teacher;

(二)请假 1 次课以上、1 天(含)以内,由辅导员(班主任/导师)批准;

2. The leave for more than one time, within 1 day (inclusive) shall be subject to the approval by the counselor (or class sponsor/ the supervisors);

(三)请假 1 天以上、1 周以内,经辅导员(班主任/导师)签署意见后,报所在学院领导批准;

3. The leave for more than 1 day but less than 1 week, after the counselor (or class sponsor/ the supervisors) signed opinions, shall be reported to the college leadership for approval;

(四)请假 1 周(含)以上,经辅导员(班主任/导师)同意,经所在学院领导批准后,报国教学院备案;

4. The leave for more than 1 week (inclusive), approved by the college leadership, shall be reported to the College of International Education for record;


5. The leave during educational and teaching activities (such as internships) shall be subject to the approval by the team leader or instructor, and reported to the college leadership for examination and approval;

(六)学生未经批准,一门课程旷课累计超过该门课程学期总学时 1/3 或缺交作业超过 1/3 及以上者(包括实验、实习、毕业论文、毕业设计等),不得参加该门课程的期末考核;

6. Without approval, students who are absent from a total of more than 1/3 of the total class hours or who fail to hand in 1/3 or more homework (including experiments, internships, graduation theses, and graduation designs) for one course are not allowed to take the final examination of the course;


7. When the leave expires, international students shall go through the leave termination formalities. If they fail to do so, the period after the expiration of the leave will be considered as leave without approval.



根据浙商大学〔2023〕130 号《浙江工商大学关于印发国际学生违纪处分规定的通知》关于学生考勤管理的条例:无故缺席者,辅导员及导师应当对其批评教育,情节严重的给予相应的纪律处分。

According to Regulations on Disciplinary Measures for International Students of Zhejiang Gongshang University: For those who are absent without reasons, their supervisors and management personnel shall criticize and educate them, if the circumstances are serious, impose corresponding disciplinary sanctions on them.

(一)一学期内旷课 10 课时以内的(旷课按实际授课时间计),给予批评教育;

1. Those who are absent form classes within 10 class hours (calculated based on actual teaching hours) in one semester shall be given criticism and education;

(二)一学期内旷课累计达到 10—29 课时或连续旷课不超过 1 周的,给予警告或严重警告处分;

2. Accumulating 10-29 class hours of absence or continuous absence for no more than one week in one semester shall result in a warning or serious warning;

(三)一学期内旷课累计达到 30—49 课时或连续旷课 1 周以上 2 周以内的,给予记过或留校察看处分。

3. Accumulating 30-49 class hours of absence or continuous absence for more than one week but less than two weeks in one semester shall result in a demerit or probation;

(四)未经批准连续 2 周未参加学校规定的教学活动的,按照学籍管理有关规定给予退学处理。

4. Students who have been absent from scheduled teaching activities for two consecutive weeks without approval shall be subject to expulsion in accordance with the relevant regulations on student management.



Attendance regulations is included into assessment of all kinds of scholarships, and be associated with visa management.


All the international students should pay massive attentions to this notice, and abide by the rules and regulations above.
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