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( 来源:太阳集团电子游戏   发布日期:2023-11-15 阅读:次)

题目:Convergence analysis of kernel-regularized regressions associated with RKBSs



       盛宝怀,1962年04月出生,西安电子科技大学应用数学系毕业,博士研究生学历,教授,研究生导师,浙江省“151人才工程”第二层次,浙江省高校优秀教师,绍兴市第六批拔尖人才。从事统计学习理论、函数逼近论、非线性最优化、球面大数据建模等方面的研究,在中国科学、数学学报、J.Complexity、Analysis and Applications、Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis、Applied Math. and Comput.等杂志发表学术论文50多篇,主持并完成《关于采样学习最优解的特征与误差估计的研究》和《球面大数据建模研究的半监督梯度法》国家自然科学基金面上项目的研究。


In this speech, we shall report  some recently development on the  convergence analysis of kernel regularized  regression from views of the Banach space geometry theory and convex analysis. We shall present some upper bound estimates on the  errors of kernel regularized regressions associating with uniformly convex  two-sided reproducing kernel Banach spaces and differentiable p-uniformly smoothness losses. In particular, we show some learning rate bound  for learning algorithm with p (1<p≤2) loss. Also we show a probability inequality and with which provide the  error bounds for kernel regularized  regression  with q (q≥2)  loss.  The discussions are  comprehensive applications of the  uniformly

 smoothness  function theory, the uniformly convex function theory  and uniformly convex space theory.

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